Imagine walking into a space surrounded by people suffering from injury or illness.  Would you stop and pray for them?  Would you lay down your needs to pray for the needs of someone you don’t know?

That is exactly what God asked me to do.

My husband suffers from a blood disorder that has him under the care of an oncologist. Every time we are at the cancer center, I am astounded by the number of people sitting around the room, waiting their turn.   As we wait, I take time to pray over my husband.  

Today as I prayed, I could not help but focus on the other people in the room.  I immediately noticed a woman in a wheelchair wearing a unicorn-colored wig, a man in the corner on his phone with his facemask positioned below his nose carrying a portable oxygen tank.  I was feeling very strange at how I seemed so focused on those two individuals. 

Seconds later, the nurse calls us back to take my husband’s vitals, and then we sit outside the lab to wait for the doctor.  I am seated next to a woman, and honestly, I cannot recall her face or any distinguishing features about her.  I remember the nurse approaching her with a piece of paper, and then you hear,  “Oh, those are much higher.” Sounding saddened, the nurse responded, “Well, you are seeing the doctor in a few days, so we will wait to see what he says.”  You could feel the heartbreak in her voice as she agreed and left the room.  

At that moment, God made it crystal clear that He wanted me to focus my prayers on the people in the clinic, not my husband.  I pray so hard and so frequently for my husband’s healing, it was almost as if God was saying “I got it, I heard you the first 1000 times, now I want you to pray for these people”.  Okay, no problem.  I can do that.  So I did.  I prayed for those specific people and then blanketed the office with prayer.  I prayed for patients and staff.  I prayed for a miracle movement within the walls of that clinic. 

I was filled with joy thinking of the possibility of miraculous healing for each person there.  What a testimony to God! 

Then I thought what a show of God’s grace, power, and love for his children if praying people took the time to just sit in a waiting room at a local clinic or emergency room with the sole purpose of praying for the strangers that surrounded them.    What a pure display of Jesus’ Love!  The next time you find yourself in the Doctor’s office or before you lay your petitions at the feet of Jesus, take time to pray for those that you do not know, pray for their healing, and pray for the blessings of God to pour out over their lives.  Then see the joy and peace that will cover you by your sacrifice.  

God Bless. 

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